Our Tale
In 2017, five hijabi sisters grew tired and weary of the perpetual pursuit for the perfect outfit. In a world full of short-sleeves and ripped jeans, their journey towards a complete, chic, anc colorful wardrobe seemed endless. Together since the dawn of time, they hoped for a place where they could find all their hearts’ desires: modest and elegant, yet simple and sophisticated.
Rather than wait for their wish to come true, they drew up a plan to turn it into reality. Thus, from their struggle, Fabric Tales was born, relieving today’s girls from the quest that exhausted our heroines.
At Fabric Tales, we believe that every one of our fairies is the heroine of her own story - and we’re here to provide her the outfit just for that. Be it a formal event, a party, a casual gathering or even just a stroll down the street, our wardrobe options are here to offer you a complete look: stunning main piece embellished with accessories and scarves, together for an exquisite and detailed finish.
We hope you enjoy your adventures as one of our many fairies - ready to take on the day!
With love,
Fabric Tales